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Phanbus217.Blogspot.Com [Album] Trivium - The Sin And The Sentence (Mp3-320Kbps) - Http://Amandaflom.Blogspot.Com

Phanbus217.Blogspot.Com [Album] Trivium - The Sin And The Sentence (Mp3-320Kbps) - Hallo sobat , Pada Maknakel yg anda baca kali ini dengan judul Phanbus217.Blogspot.Com [Album] Trivium - The Sin And The Sentence (Mp3-320Kbps) , saya telah mempersiapkan Maknakel ini dengan baik untuk anda baca dan ambil gosip didalamnya. mudah-mudahan isi postingan Maknakel Melodic Metalcore ,Maknakel Thrash Metal ,Maknakel Trivium ,Maknakel US-UK ,Maknakel USUK , yg saya tulis ini sanggup anda pahami. sepakat , selamat membaca.

Judul : Phanbus217.Blogspot.Com [Album] Trivium - The Sin And The Sentence (Mp3-320Kbps)
link : Phanbus217.Blogspot.Com [Album] Trivium - The Sin And The Sentence (Mp3-320Kbps)

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Phanbus217.Blogspot.Com [Album] Trivium - The Sin And The Sentence (Mp3-320Kbps)

Trivium - The Sin and the Sentence
Release Date: 2017
Genre: Melodic Metalcore , Thrash Metal
Language: English
Bit Rate: Mp3-320kbps

Track List:
1. The Sin and the Sentence
2. Beyond Oblivion
3. Other Worlds
4. The Heart from Your Hate
5. Betrayer
6. The Wretchedness Inside
7. Endless Night
8. Sever the Hand
9. Beauty in the Sorrow
10. The Revanchist
11. Thrown into the Fire

Link Download:
Mp3Google Drive
Mp3: Dbr

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